It's so good to learn that our September 2023 'Detox' Box has made a positive impact on our MyTreat Tribe.
Let's hear their thoughts:
Which Subscription Box Should I Choose?
At MyTreat, we have different types of monthly subscription boxes. Our original Body Box has at least 5 full-sized treats but if you love to explore your treats with your friends and family, the Plus and LUXE boxes have extra treats added in so there is more to share! Or consider gifting them a full Body Box subscription of their own!
🍃Body Box - $38.95 per month
🍃Body Plus Box - $48.95 per month
🍃Body LUXE Box - $58.95 per month
Or... Sign Up For Our NEWEST Wellness Box
The Wellness Box is sort of an upgraded version of our LUXE Box. This specially curated box will feature even more premium, luxury items worth over $150 per month for $78 per month, including shipping. Sign up for the Wellness Box now!
1 comment
I have been a customer of My treat and I would like to re join