Get updates on our Instagram! June 5, 2018 Follow us on Instagram for updates on every box treat... here are our latest May goodies!! Order yourself an exciting monthly delivery here:
Mother Earth May June 5, 2018Can you spot them? Five of the Mother Earth MyTreats are lurking in the background... remember only ONE WEEK TO GO
Here we go! June 5, 2018Getting started.... one week to go and these boxes will be ready to send to your place! If you don’t want to miss out on a Mother Earth May Box,...
Mother Earth May June 5, 2018Natural, sweet scented, plastic free and vegan inside Mother Earth May Boxes... this all natural Little Mango deodorant is aluminium free and really works to keep you feeling fresh all...
Mother Earth May June 5, 2018We've always been committed to making sure the packaging that MyTreat receives from suppliers is recycled, and in our home, we have a pretty good understanding of the wash and...
Mother Earth May June 5, 2018 A lot of us are guilty of bagging our groceries in single use plastic supermarket bags. They can be convenient, but usually end up in the bin or as a...